Fair Trade Fares (FTF) is a new online Taxi company established in Edinburgh with an innovative approach to taxi hire based on local needs.
The company has developed a user-friendly app connecting clients and drivers and providing them with unique features in order to facilitate the most comfortable journey.

Maximise your income with FTF
- Earn more and spend less time on the road
- Get your maximized income transferred into your desired bank account within 48 hours or our system will automatically transfer it once a week
- A faster way of money transactions will be introduced on our platform in the near future.
- Keep 100% Of Your Tips and be Your Own Boss.
- Apply to drive today and become part of the new FTF community

Ride with FTF
Our aim is to provide the fastest, cheapest, and safest journey for our customers while ensuring that our drivers are also receiving fair remuneration from the company.
We look forward to welcoming you as future customers with Fair Trade Fares and the following links will direct you to our download page on Google Play and the app store.
- Fares guaranteed to be ultimately Fair Trade
- The fastest Private Hire Taxi provider
- An application that is entirely easy to use for all users
- The most cost-effective Private Hire Taxi provider

We are now welcoming committed drivers who are willing to make changes in the way Private Hire Taxi services operate in Edinburgh.
Great stuff
We are looking for drivers who take pride in their work and are ready to take responsibility for each individual accepted job.
Our company has done its best to create an app which meets the driver’s needs in Edinburgh and now it’s your turn to support your local app and enjoy the benefits and rewards offered